WoW! October has flown by. We've had a busy month. Jackson is getting cuter by the day. I want to freeze time and have my sweet baby boy a little longer (during the day anyway). I just wanted to share some cute pics from the last couple of weeks.


WoW! October has flown by. We've had a busy month. Jackson is getting cuter by the day. I want to freeze time and have my sweet baby boy a little longer (during the day anyway). I just wanted to share some cute pics from the last couple of weeks.
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 6:12 PM 0 comments
How quickly time has flown by. Jackson is quickly out growing his newborn diapers and clothes. Next thing you know he'll be crawling! Funny how at times you can't wait for them to hurry up and get a little bigger to start sleeping through the night, smiling, cooing, crawling...etc and then you look back and wonder where the days have gone.
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 2:59 PM 1 comments
Time is flying by! I can't believe our baby is already 9 days old. We came home from the hospital a week ago today. Since then Dad, Mom & Grandma have been all about it should be! Grandma left today and Jackson and Mom were sad to see her go :(
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 1:57 PM 0 comments
One way or another we are having our baby boy today! I checked into the hospital last night at 9 and they began all the necessary procedures for the induction. I took the sleeping pill and ended up not sleeping at all because the Foley bulb was so uncomfortable and made the contractions feel worse. Finally at 4 a.m. the bulb came out and I got a little nap. At 5 a.m. they came in and started the pitocin. So far contractions are sporadic and fairly mild. Soon the doctor will come in and break my water. Hopefully things will pick up after that and we'll have a baby this afternoon! (or sooner....) So far Jackson is doing well with all this. He's still moving and rolling so much so that the nurse keeps having to come in and readjust the fetal monitor. I'm sure he's excited to come out and meet his parents! I know we can't wait. Look for our next post to include pictures of his little squishy face! YAY! I still can't believe we are going to meet our baby today. It is all very exciting and surreal.
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 7:15 PM 5 comments
Only four more weeks to go! It seems like an eternity but I know it will fly by! Chris is heading down to Texas next Saturday and will be gone through Tuesday so I will be taking it easy so Jackson stays put! The Dr. does not expect me to go into labor soon. At my appointment on Friday I wasn't even a centimeter yet.
In other news we did receive an offer on our house but it was so low there was no way we could accept it and still have money left to get out of we're still waiting patiently for the right buyer to come along.
Remember the quilt I was talking about last post? Well guess what!? It's finished! Diane is the Speedy Gonzalez of quilting! I love it! It's perfect! I am dying to put Jackon's room our new Texas ;) Now everyone ooh and ahh~!
Even though this is is a 34 week bump pictue. I don't think it's changed that much (that's what I'm telling myself anyway)...
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 8:24 PM 1 comments
I feel like so much has happened lately, yet time is creeping by. I'll try and keep things short and simple here.
4. Bowl Me Over proudly took home the 1st place plaque in the Delco Church League! That bowling ball I got Christopher for Christmas really payed off. His best series this year was a 244, 209, 223!
5. Becky's friend's mom is going to make Jackson a baby quilt! I'm so excited! I spent many hours in Joanns on Saturday critically sorting through the fabric and an equal amount of time on Etsy to find the right combo. Her poor mom could probably make 3 blankets out of all this fabric but I couldn't narrow it down because I'm not a quilter and I wasn't sure what would work best. Diane is going to make something beautiful though! Here are the colors (and that is a piece of his bedding in the background). Thank you Deana! Thank you Diane!
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 8:01 PM 2 comments
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 5:02 PM 2 comments
Today we went in for our 30 week sonogram. Everything is good! Jackson weighs about 3lbs 2oz and is right on schedule! Little man had his head jammed down low so for most of the sonogram we saw this.
Then she turned on the 4D and I have to say it got a little creepy! I kinda think he looks like Chris in this one.
Right at the very end he turned his little face for a second and she took this last picture. He's so squishy I don't know who he looks like!
Just to be extra safe they are going to have me come back in 4 more weeks to check his kidneys and bladder again. (even though they do not see anything abnormal at this point) I'm not complaining because I'll get more pictures!
I'll do a life update and post a new bump pic soon!
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 2:42 PM 3 comments
Sprig has gone nameless long enough! Chris & I sat down and finished our name lists. I'm saving them so one day poor Sprig can see his father wanted to name him (fill in the blank). ;) Just kidding! I'm sure several years down the road I might question Fletcher just as much as I'm wincing at Dwight now. (but really, DWIGHT!? I think that had to be a joke)
Well there were only 2 we have in common: Jackson or Mason so we threw those on a list with 1 other pick of our choice. Mine was Ryland and Chris's was Mitchell.
At this point we both agreed this whole process was a little silly because the name we have both liked and stewed over for some time now has been Jackson. So, we decided to save Mason for a later baby and can't wait for little Jackson Kingsley to arrive! Kingsley is Chris's middle name which was also his grandfather's name. I have always liked the name so that was a very easy choice!
Jackson = full of personality
Kingsley = from the King's meadow
26 Week Bump:
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 3:04 PM 2 comments
Today I am 24 weeks pregnant. I can't believe I am already entering my 6 month! Overall I feel really good. Sprig still does not have an official name. It is an intimidating process knowing that it will be his name forever. We want to be sure we have exhausted our search but we do have a front runner.
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 8:35 AM 4 comments
Well 54% of you & the Chinese Gender Predictor were right! It's a boy! Seeing our miniman on the sonogram was the coolest thing. My sister predicted I would cry and I didn't believe her. I mean, we've all seen those fuzzy little pictures before, I knew what to expect. When he first popped up on the screen clear as day the tears started streaming. There is something so special about seeing proof that there really is a little one in there growing & thriving. They estimated his weight at 12 oz already!
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 6:44 PM 3 comments
The lump is growing! Sprig is the size of an onion or around 5". I still haven't felt anything move but the doctor said to give it a few more weeks. Our sonogram is scheduled for February 5th so we'll be able to find out if Sprig is a he or she! I've heard guesses from friends and family -- but let's have an official vote. Take the poll to the right and then come back in 2 weeks to see if you guessed right!
I'm going to Texas on Thursday to see my sweet niece Ava (and other friends and family but mostly Ava ;) )! If you haven't goggled at how precious she is lately...please look for the link to the right and check out her blog. She will put a smile on your face for sure.
Can you tell the difference in bumpage?
Update: OK, the chinese gender predictor says it's a boy based on my lunar age. I mean, it is 50% right most of the time, so I guessed boy. I've been craving TexMex and more TexMex -- but that's pretty normal for me ;)
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 4:46 PM 2 comments
We are very excited to announce that we are expecting an addition to our family June 28th! Yes, I am nearly 15 weeks pregnant! Although the news has been leaked to several people already, we just wanted to make it official. Above is Sprig's first picture at around 9 weeks.
Happy New Year everyone! We are more than excited for what 2009 has in store and hope everyone's year is just as blessed!
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 10:05 AM 3 comments