Posted by Chris and Hayden at 5:02 PM 2 comments
Today we went in for our 30 week sonogram. Everything is good! Jackson weighs about 3lbs 2oz and is right on schedule! Little man had his head jammed down low so for most of the sonogram we saw this.
Then she turned on the 4D and I have to say it got a little creepy! I kinda think he looks like Chris in this one.
Right at the very end he turned his little face for a second and she took this last picture. He's so squishy I don't know who he looks like!
Just to be extra safe they are going to have me come back in 4 more weeks to check his kidneys and bladder again. (even though they do not see anything abnormal at this point) I'm not complaining because I'll get more pictures!
I'll do a life update and post a new bump pic soon!
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 2:42 PM 3 comments