Born 3:38 EST

One way or another we are having our baby boy today! I checked into the hospital last night at 9 and they began all the necessary procedures for the induction. I took the sleeping pill and ended up not sleeping at all because the Foley bulb was so uncomfortable and made the contractions feel worse. Finally at 4 a.m. the bulb came out and I got a little nap. At 5 a.m. they came in and started the pitocin. So far contractions are sporadic and fairly mild. Soon the doctor will come in and break my water. Hopefully things will pick up after that and we'll have a baby this afternoon! (or sooner....) So far Jackson is doing well with all this. He's still moving and rolling so much so that the nurse keeps having to come in and readjust the fetal monitor. I'm sure he's excited to come out and meet his parents! I know we can't wait. Look for our next post to include pictures of his little squishy face! YAY! I still can't believe we are going to meet our baby today. It is all very exciting and surreal.
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Posted by Chris and Hayden at 7:15 PM 5 comments